The longer I live in this nation the more convinced I have become of the fact that more Americans are trading in faith in God and in the American dream that is based on biblical principles for government handouts and promises.
The welfare generation that was started by President Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930's continues to grow and prosper and during the current economic downturn more and more Americans are looking to the government as their provider. Where is the God of the Bible in this equation. After all the Bible declares that God is the one who, "supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory". It does take faith to see God provide, but the government has taken that faith that was intended for God and people have placed in government instead.
People have called our current president Barrack Obama, "the Messiah". Now do I believe that he is truly that in this desperate time? No, for what I am seeing here is a similar situation that occurred in Israel's past. During the time of Samuel the children of Israel wanted to have an earthly king over them as was the case for the nations that surrounded Israel at that time. God didn't want to give in to this, but because of their persistence, the Lord gave in to them. When Samuel spoke to God about this the Lord said the following, "they have not rejected you, they have rejected me."
I am seeing this very thing carried out in our nation today. Our country is becoming more socialistic all the time. The move away from God is becoming more obvious and blatant day by day. When this nation was founded, it was founded on the Bible and prayer. Now it is nearly illegal to do any of this activity in a public setting. The church of Jesus Christ must get back to preaching the cross and Kingdom of God. We can't be of the world and expect it to change. For truly all our freedoms come the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Government must be put back into its proper place. The vaccum that the church was filled by the government. Now it is time for us to take it back.
People of God don't be mislead anymore. Let us no longer be like the children of Israel who are crying to go back under Pharoah's rule. Let us truly be free. Let us turn to God and place our faith in Him. For as God led the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage, so shall He lead out from under this socialistic bondage if we will only follow after HIM and HIS ways. Go for it church!
Scripture references for additional reading: 1st Samuel 8 ,1st Samuel 9 and the book of Exodus.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Does anyone believe they are responsible?
It is interesting to notice that we as humans do not like to take the blame for anything that we do. It started in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and the serpent. When God the Father asked Adam who was at fault he turned and said it was Eve's and when God asked Eve she said it was the serpent's.
As I look at our current economic status in this nation and with the talk of bailout and stimulus packages, I don't see anyone owning up to the current crash that has occurred. The Democrats are blaming the Republicans and the Republicans are blaming the Democrats. Big business and the banks are not taking ownership for making improper business decisions, but instead are looking to the Congress and the President for more money to continue, " business as usual."
I believe that those who are responsible for making wrong choices should be held accountable for them and have to pay a price as a result. It is like telling one's child that is OK to go out and eat an entire chocolate cake, which was meant for everyone to enjoy, and then pat them on the back for this behavior, encouraging them to do it again.
Do I want to see businesses fail? No, but I believe in capitalism. And in true capitalism those who are weak will be taken over by those who have positioned themselves well. After all being in business does present risk, and a part of that risk means that you may lose everything you have worked for.
It would truly please me to see business and banking leaders owning up to their mistakes at this time. I would be much more understanding of those who have failed, because of their willingness to be open, real and vulnerable. Will we ever see this? I doubt it, because most people perceive that be "real" portrays weakness. And in are macho based society that would make most feel as though they are nothing but failures. So don't hold your breath on this one America. But continue to check your pocketbook, I feel like someone may be looking to take more than there fair share from you there.
As I look at our current economic status in this nation and with the talk of bailout and stimulus packages, I don't see anyone owning up to the current crash that has occurred. The Democrats are blaming the Republicans and the Republicans are blaming the Democrats. Big business and the banks are not taking ownership for making improper business decisions, but instead are looking to the Congress and the President for more money to continue, " business as usual."
I believe that those who are responsible for making wrong choices should be held accountable for them and have to pay a price as a result. It is like telling one's child that is OK to go out and eat an entire chocolate cake, which was meant for everyone to enjoy, and then pat them on the back for this behavior, encouraging them to do it again.
Do I want to see businesses fail? No, but I believe in capitalism. And in true capitalism those who are weak will be taken over by those who have positioned themselves well. After all being in business does present risk, and a part of that risk means that you may lose everything you have worked for.
It would truly please me to see business and banking leaders owning up to their mistakes at this time. I would be much more understanding of those who have failed, because of their willingness to be open, real and vulnerable. Will we ever see this? I doubt it, because most people perceive that be "real" portrays weakness. And in are macho based society that would make most feel as though they are nothing but failures. So don't hold your breath on this one America. But continue to check your pocketbook, I feel like someone may be looking to take more than there fair share from you there.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
What will the Antichrist Look like?
When one thinks of the Antichrist one thinks of someone who may or may not be of European descent who controls the entire world from a place like Rome and has no problems to deal with other than the judgements that God lays upon him and his followers. But could our western view be such that we are not open to other potential opportunities. I tend to believe that the Antichrist could well be someone who is Arab. Why do I think this?
Years ago I read a book by evangelist Perry Stone speaking on this very topic. Perry made a case that the Antichrist could well come from the Middle East and be an Arab. When one thinks about it this is a strong possibility because the world's history began there. God has a way of bringing things full circle and if you have read the Bible you will see that the final battle waged between the forces of good and evil, God and the devil, takes place in Israel. I believe that the Antichrist will be an Arab individual that will form a peace treaty with the Jews to help lead them into a trap. After all the Arab nations have tried to destroy Israel through war over the years and have not been able to complete the job, so why not change their tactics. The Antichrist is portrayed as a man of peace and the Jews would love to have that peace if someone will offer them something that they can believe in. An Arab Antichrist could do just that and the Jews, who are weary from the fight, will be willing to take it.
Babylon is where the Antichrist will reign from. Today modern day Iraq is that place. I believe that Iraq will become a very strong economic force in the region and will become the place that the Antichrist will be able to rule from in the days a head. The freedom that the Iraq people now enjoy will stimulate economic strength which one day will benefit the forces of darkness. I tend to believe that Muslim extremists will gain control over this nation one day and with help from Iran and its nuclear program and wiliness to use it, will hold much of the world hostage because of the threat it will hold over the world's oil supplies.
The Antichrist will one day take the world stage and the theory that I purpose from the writing of Perry Stone and the word of God, may or may not take place as I have stated here. However, there is one thing I am sure of, and that is this, Christ is coming again for His bride. Get yourself ready church. He is coming and it may be sooner than we think.
For additional information on this topic check out Perry Stone's website.
Years ago I read a book by evangelist Perry Stone speaking on this very topic. Perry made a case that the Antichrist could well come from the Middle East and be an Arab. When one thinks about it this is a strong possibility because the world's history began there. God has a way of bringing things full circle and if you have read the Bible you will see that the final battle waged between the forces of good and evil, God and the devil, takes place in Israel. I believe that the Antichrist will be an Arab individual that will form a peace treaty with the Jews to help lead them into a trap. After all the Arab nations have tried to destroy Israel through war over the years and have not been able to complete the job, so why not change their tactics. The Antichrist is portrayed as a man of peace and the Jews would love to have that peace if someone will offer them something that they can believe in. An Arab Antichrist could do just that and the Jews, who are weary from the fight, will be willing to take it.
Babylon is where the Antichrist will reign from. Today modern day Iraq is that place. I believe that Iraq will become a very strong economic force in the region and will become the place that the Antichrist will be able to rule from in the days a head. The freedom that the Iraq people now enjoy will stimulate economic strength which one day will benefit the forces of darkness. I tend to believe that Muslim extremists will gain control over this nation one day and with help from Iran and its nuclear program and wiliness to use it, will hold much of the world hostage because of the threat it will hold over the world's oil supplies.
The Antichrist will one day take the world stage and the theory that I purpose from the writing of Perry Stone and the word of God, may or may not take place as I have stated here. However, there is one thing I am sure of, and that is this, Christ is coming again for His bride. Get yourself ready church. He is coming and it may be sooner than we think.
For additional information on this topic check out Perry Stone's website.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
What does the Bible say about Gay Marriage?
I was reading a recent article that was published by Newsweek and the author was stating that there is biblical proof to support gay marriage. As I read through author Lisa Miller's arguments on this topic I came to see how the world and the devil likes to twist scripture to fit their way of thinking.
One example that the author cites is the fact that King David and Jonathon had a "love that surpasses that of a woman". Many gay individuals try to use this as an example that the Bible has no problem with men being with men or women having sexual relations with other women. Obviously, I do not believe this to be the case, but believe that God used this example to show just how devoted one can be to another person when the Lord is the center of a relationship.
What I found most interesting was the fact that Lisa Miller tried to say that scripture from the Old Testament of the Bible does not apply on this topic anymore. Now how can one go about saying that the Bible says one thing and believe that it is correct, than turn around and say what the Bible says in opposition to a behavior is not applicable anymore? This shows me that the author realizes that there is something not right about the lifestyle and instead of admitting to it, they chose to pick what they like and discard the rest.
The Bible can't be treated that way. The world of God declares in the book of Hebrews that," God is the same yesterday, today, and forever". If God says that a behavior is wrong before the foundation of the world, it is still wrong today. Because God is truth. He can't change His standards. For if He does, He can't be God anymore. The Old testament book of Leviticus and the New Testament book of Romans both speak out against the lifestyle of gays and how God doesn't approve of that particular behavior.
Does this mean that God hates them? No, God and those who are true Bible believers don't wish to see harm come to those who are bound in the gay lifestyle. In fact, we want to see them come out of it and into the light of truth that the Lord has provided for them and for all of mankind. My prayer is that those who are in the gay lifestyle will be set free and come to the knowledge of God's truth, which is based in His love for them. The truth is those who believe they are stuck in the gay lifestyle don't have to remain in that bondage. You can be free. Come to God. He can and will be your hope and deliverer. There is life in HIM. In the ways of the gay lifestyle there is only pain, destruction and death. Choose LIFE.
For help in this area follow the following links to these ministry who will be able to provide you with the help you need to get the freedom that you seek.
One example that the author cites is the fact that King David and Jonathon had a "love that surpasses that of a woman". Many gay individuals try to use this as an example that the Bible has no problem with men being with men or women having sexual relations with other women. Obviously, I do not believe this to be the case, but believe that God used this example to show just how devoted one can be to another person when the Lord is the center of a relationship.
What I found most interesting was the fact that Lisa Miller tried to say that scripture from the Old Testament of the Bible does not apply on this topic anymore. Now how can one go about saying that the Bible says one thing and believe that it is correct, than turn around and say what the Bible says in opposition to a behavior is not applicable anymore? This shows me that the author realizes that there is something not right about the lifestyle and instead of admitting to it, they chose to pick what they like and discard the rest.
The Bible can't be treated that way. The world of God declares in the book of Hebrews that," God is the same yesterday, today, and forever". If God says that a behavior is wrong before the foundation of the world, it is still wrong today. Because God is truth. He can't change His standards. For if He does, He can't be God anymore. The Old testament book of Leviticus and the New Testament book of Romans both speak out against the lifestyle of gays and how God doesn't approve of that particular behavior.
Does this mean that God hates them? No, God and those who are true Bible believers don't wish to see harm come to those who are bound in the gay lifestyle. In fact, we want to see them come out of it and into the light of truth that the Lord has provided for them and for all of mankind. My prayer is that those who are in the gay lifestyle will be set free and come to the knowledge of God's truth, which is based in His love for them. The truth is those who believe they are stuck in the gay lifestyle don't have to remain in that bondage. You can be free. Come to God. He can and will be your hope and deliverer. There is life in HIM. In the ways of the gay lifestyle there is only pain, destruction and death. Choose LIFE.
For help in this area follow the following links to these ministry who will be able to provide you with the help you need to get the freedom that you seek.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Why is Pastor Rick Warren supporting a Gay Minister at the inauguration?
Pastor Rick Warren has recently stated that he is glad that President elect Barack Obama is allowing a gay minister to say a prayer during his inauguration. But why would a man of God be so willing to state something like this when the lifestyle represented here by the gay minister contradicts the Bible?
Now I do believe that God calls each one of us to love those who are outside of his kingdom and I tend to believe the reason Rick Warren is saying what he has stated here is to keep the doors open for him to either try and minister to Barack Obama and the Eugene Robinson, the gay minister in question. For I have learned over the years that one can not force one's beliefs unto others. It is like going fishing and instead of baiting the hook and gently luring the fish in, you go about splashing the water all around and then wonder why you can't catch a fish. Obviously I don't know the real reason why Rick Warren has allowed this to occur, but I am hopeful that he is looking at the bigger picture as a way for the message of the gospel of Christ to be preached, not only to Barack Obama and Eugene Robinson, but to many like them who are in need of the Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ.
So member of the body of Christ, continue to stand for what you believe in. Continue to speak out on the moral issues of the day, but remember how you go about presenting yourself and the message you are bringing, because you may not know who is watching, and where it may lead.
Now I do believe that God calls each one of us to love those who are outside of his kingdom and I tend to believe the reason Rick Warren is saying what he has stated here is to keep the doors open for him to either try and minister to Barack Obama and the Eugene Robinson, the gay minister in question. For I have learned over the years that one can not force one's beliefs unto others. It is like going fishing and instead of baiting the hook and gently luring the fish in, you go about splashing the water all around and then wonder why you can't catch a fish. Obviously I don't know the real reason why Rick Warren has allowed this to occur, but I am hopeful that he is looking at the bigger picture as a way for the message of the gospel of Christ to be preached, not only to Barack Obama and Eugene Robinson, but to many like them who are in need of the Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ.
So member of the body of Christ, continue to stand for what you believe in. Continue to speak out on the moral issues of the day, but remember how you go about presenting yourself and the message you are bringing, because you may not know who is watching, and where it may lead.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Whatever happened to the Free Market?
The more one reads and listens to the news these days the more one begins to wonder why doesn't ever person in America not deserve a bailout economically. We have seen bailouts for the banking industry, the auto industry and now a congressman in Connecticut is proposing a bailout of two local newspapers.
What has happened to the free market? I understand that people can and have made bad choices on who to loan money to and as a result some are facing very tough decisions, which includes closing down places of business. If Congress wants to bailout industries of all types and sorts, what about the average Joe who is trying to make with his mortgage and car payments to be concerned with. Maybe Congress should bail them out to. The newspapers in Connecticut are failing because the competition is kicking their butts. With the expansion of the Internet bringing people news around the clock most newspapers in American are experiencing a huge cut back in readership. This means that the newspaper industry needs to rethink the way they do business and begin to look at alternative ways of presenting themselves to the public. If they can't make it, than they go out of business. After all, that is what a free market economy is all about, right? The same way of reasoning should apply to the auto industry and the banking system. Where is the money coming from to pay for all of this? It doesn't grow on trees.
The American taxpayer is the one who is the loser. The government in my opinion has overstepped her bounds and needs to look at ways of cutting our taxes, not ways of increasing it. I hope that my fellow Americans will join me in opposing these acts of indiscretion. Our future as a nation may depend upon it.
What has happened to the free market? I understand that people can and have made bad choices on who to loan money to and as a result some are facing very tough decisions, which includes closing down places of business. If Congress wants to bailout industries of all types and sorts, what about the average Joe who is trying to make with his mortgage and car payments to be concerned with. Maybe Congress should bail them out to. The newspapers in Connecticut are failing because the competition is kicking their butts. With the expansion of the Internet bringing people news around the clock most newspapers in American are experiencing a huge cut back in readership. This means that the newspaper industry needs to rethink the way they do business and begin to look at alternative ways of presenting themselves to the public. If they can't make it, than they go out of business. After all, that is what a free market economy is all about, right? The same way of reasoning should apply to the auto industry and the banking system. Where is the money coming from to pay for all of this? It doesn't grow on trees.
The American taxpayer is the one who is the loser. The government in my opinion has overstepped her bounds and needs to look at ways of cutting our taxes, not ways of increasing it. I hope that my fellow Americans will join me in opposing these acts of indiscretion. Our future as a nation may depend upon it.
auto industry,
banking system,
Free Market
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