Recently I was reading an article by James Hirsen which describes Angelina Jolie's idea of committment to her live in boyfriend Brad Pitt. Angelina said the following, "“I doubt that fidelity is absolutely essential for a relationship,” the actress told Germany's Das Neue Blatt magazine. “It's worse to leave your partner and talk badly about him afterwards.” This appears to be the mentality of many who have attained a status of high recognition in our society. Statistics show that more and more young people believe that marriage is not an important facet of having a relationship. I have encountered many a person in my lifetime who believe that one needs to have a "test drive" to make sure that the person they are with is someone they want to commit to.
The God of the universe is the one who came up with the idea of marriage in the first place. God intended that this relationship should be based on commitment between a man and woman with God being the center of their relationship. The world teaches that one should only be committed to someone if it works toward your advantage, otherwise don't commit. The vows one takes while they are getting married says it all. "In sickness and in health, better or worse, richer and or poorer". When one says this vow they are making a commitment to their spouse which is meant to last throughout the years they are together. Young people when you are in a relationship with someone you are thinking about commiting to remember that you are entering a relationship that is meant to last. God commited to us when he died on a cross for our sins can't we commit to one another ?
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Their is a Devil Loose!
This past week we have seen an officer of the Salvation Army gunned down on Christmas Eve over money that his group had collected for those in need. What is the world coming to? Well it should not surprise us that the enemy is out trying to kill, steal and destroy because that is the devil's way of operation. The world we live in is in a struggle between good and evil. The devil is not in hell as some people would believe. He still is the prince of the power of the air and the god of this world. However, there is good news. The Church of Jesus Christ has been given the authority through Jesus Christ to resist and to bind the enemy of men's souls. The bible declares that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Now if only we would truly believe that we are the ones who have the authority and begin to use the name of Jesus as our badge of authority the enemy would have no place to be able to use his power. Church study out the book of Ephesians and see what God has to say about who you are. If you can grasp the revelation that God gives here the deceiever will no longer be able to run about undercover, he will be exposed!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Is Sarah Palin the Esther of our Generation?
When one listens to the media no matter where one is located at we here how Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska, is a threat to the nation at large. Could it be that the threat she poses is not one to the nation per say, but one that threatens liberal views on how the world should be. I tend to believe that it is liberals who are threatened by a person such as Sarah. The everyday common man loves her and this fact has been proven by the large crowds that come out to hear her speak and the fact that her new book "Going Rogue" is a number one bestseller on the NY Times book list.
I believe Sarah Palin has connected with the American people in a way that no one has since Ronald Reagan was president. As I prayed and sought the Lord about Sarah and her place in this time I truly felt that He spoke to me that Sarah Palin is an Esther for our generation and for this nation at large. Esther came to power in Babylon when the Jewish people needed a defender and deliverer. I believe that Sarah Palin has been raised up for the same purpose for our nation. Will she be the next president? That I can't answer. But I do believe that Sarah Palin is not going to fade into the darkness anytime soon. I truly believe she will have impact on the upcoming election cycle in 2010 and the one to come in 2012. Time will tell.
I believe Sarah Palin has connected with the American people in a way that no one has since Ronald Reagan was president. As I prayed and sought the Lord about Sarah and her place in this time I truly felt that He spoke to me that Sarah Palin is an Esther for our generation and for this nation at large. Esther came to power in Babylon when the Jewish people needed a defender and deliverer. I believe that Sarah Palin has been raised up for the same purpose for our nation. Will she be the next president? That I can't answer. But I do believe that Sarah Palin is not going to fade into the darkness anytime soon. I truly believe she will have impact on the upcoming election cycle in 2010 and the one to come in 2012. Time will tell.
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