Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Church of Sex? Where are we going?

The Church of Jesus Christ has seemingly lost it way and according to this editorial from Worldnetdaily one can a good feel for just where the Church in a public way is heading.  We have lost our view that we are to be salt and light in the world and have began to adapt more to the world and its way instead of being different as God expects. The Church must regain its moral high ground and base our views and standards upon what the Bible states and not on what the public culture believes.  Preachers must stand for righteousness and not be swayed by what is popular in the culture.  Church let us pray and believe God for a move of holiness and right standing amongst the people of God in this hour.  It is what is needed to reverse our nation's course and to set our destiny on course for what God expects from us.  Please join me in this endeavor. 

We are coming closer to the End of Time

Christians beware of what is coming.  Recently in a story on Worldnetdaily I have read that those who opposed same sex marriage in El Paso Texas are possibility being investigated and prosecuted for their actions.  The Bible said in the last days that the love of many would grow cold and that if the hour was not shortened even the elect could not be saved.  I believe that we must stick together during this time and believe that the Lord wants to revive us.  For if we don't see a mighty move of His hand in our land the freedoms that we now enjoy will continue to be assaulted and removed in due time.  Follow this link to read the aforementioned story.