In the world we live in today the Church of Jesus Christ is irrelevant. When decisions are being reached that affect the moral climate here in the United States no one mentions the Church unless it during an election cycle. It is during this time that you see the media mention the Church because of the influence it has had in electing a person like Donald Trump into office. Outside of that you don't here the Church mentioned unless we raise our heads and start pushing back against the spirit of the Antichrist and its agenda of political correctness. In this story from Fox News Colorado bakers, who opposed making a wedding cake for a gay couple because of their belief that it is a lifestyle they can't support, have lost nearly everything for what they believe to be right. It is stories like this Christians are brought out by society as the bad guys and it is the way that the devil uses this to keep the Church suppressed by placing fear on our hearts that we could be faced with the same thing if we dare defy the spirit of the Antichrist and his agenda of political correctness.
This is not the Kingdom of God way. Jesus told His followers to pray the following, " Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is heaven". The will and desire of our God is to bring Heaven to Earth. Christians need to be salt and light in this generation and we must be willing to let our light shine in the dark places of the world. That means we must take our place on the battlefield of the world and bring God's Kingdom into all that are engaged in. What does that look like? For me that means I must shine the light in places where I work, go to school at in the parking lot or shopping centers of the nation. I must make my voice be heard by loving people with the love of Christ no matter what the cost. Where the kingdom of God is in Heaven there is not sickness, there is no pain, no poverty or fear. We must bring that presence with us and let it permeate those we are called to influence. The Church is made of people. We are called to be an Army of God bringing healing and deliverance in our hands. Let us not be afraid but stand in faith and declare that the Kingdom of God in near and than let it manifest through us to those God has given us to show His goodness to. It is time to take up a call of arms. Are you ready to join me in the rally cry of the Spirit of Christ to bring forth the Kingdom of God for such a time as this?
Sunday, January 7, 2018
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