Friday, November 23, 2018

Expression of Faith in the Public Arena

Why does it seem that in the United States that the minority of people who oppose the expression of religious freedom in this nation have greater rights than those of us who adhere to primarily the Christian faith?  How many times have you read a story across the land where one person or a family brings to the attention of a public school that they are offended by the expression by someone’s faith whether it being with Bible reading, praying, etc., and then the school proceeds to shut down the entire program, offending everyone else who voluntarily choose to do this in the first place.
An example of this occurred in Huntington Indiana where an after school program, completely voluntary, in which parents allowed their students to attend a Bible class after school.  However one family complained that this was being done on public property and the school, after thirty years of service, shut it down over that one complaint.  Political correctness has robbed us of our freedoms and instead of liberating us is restricting the freedoms that were given to us by God and our founding fathers of this nation.  We are seeing what was considered deviant behavior being embraced while those who uphold traditional morals of right living per our faith and its practices are told to sit down and take it, because we are considered to be “holier than thou” and narrow minded bigots. 

I believe that Americans should be allowed to express their faith in public events as long as their expression does not cause harm to people and their property.  There is no such thing as we will all agree to everything that we all may want to participate or believe in so limiting a majority of people’s views because they offend yours is not acceptable unless there is true harm being created by it.  What has made this country great has been our freedom of the exchange of ideas and I tend to believe that if we continue on this path that we are creating without a return to what our Founders gave us, it will be only a matter of time that we shall no longer recognize what that foundation looks like and what we will be building upon at that time will be nothing more than sinking sand.