Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Differences between the Gardens

Have you ever noticed in reading through the Bible that God speaks of two gardens? Everyone who has ever read the book of Genesis is familiar with the garden of Eden where the Lord placed the first two humans into.

The garden of Eden was a perfect place. Everything that man needed was there. God gave man the responsibility of taking care of it. That commandment is extended to you and I even now. We are responsible for the care of this planet until He comes back. It was in this garden that God also placed a tree there that was used as a test, that tree being the tree of good and evil. God is not one who will require a person to bow to Him, unless that person does so out of the realized need in their heart. Thus, the tree of good and evil allow man a choice. Obey God and have nothing to do with it, or chose to partake in its fruit.

Eventually Adam and Eve took of its fruit and ate it, as the enemy of God and man, Satan, lead them down the path of deception. At that point God had to remove the human race from the garden of Eden, for it they ate of the tree of Life man would have been trapped in his sinful state forever with no hope of redemption.

This brings us to the second garden, the garden of Gethsemane. God in His foreknowledge knew that man would fall from the position he was placed in by God, thus the Lord already had a plan in mind before the earth was formed. It was here, in the garden of Gethsemane, the second Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ would be tempted.

As Christ prayed His human nature knew what He was about to suffer and was struggling with the decision that needed to be made. For if Christ had given in to the temptation of not going to the cross for mankind's sins, you and I would have no hope of ever gaining redemption and reconnecting with the Father God. I believe the most crucial moment in this garden experience was when Christ prayed, " Not my will, but thine be done." It was here at that moment that eternal salvation for all mankind was made available. Jesus Christ went to the cross and arose three days later as the savior of all mankind. He had defeated sin, the grave and the devil in one fell swoop and as a result of this all who placed their faith in Him can enjoy victory in every area of life.

Is it not amazing how God can not only redeem man, but He will not even leave His creation out of the picture, He can even redeem the garden as well.

For further study of this please read the following scriptures: Genesis chapters 1-3 and Matthew chapters 26-28.

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