Saturday, March 28, 2009

Should we be concerned with the War of Terror?

Should we be concerned with the war on terror? Is it time to move on and extent a hand of friendship to those who only want to destroy us? Most Muslims are not out to bring harm to America, but those who are true radicals do want to destroy America and the western world.

I believe that we must continue to take the fight to the terrorists where ever they are at. The terrorists have been fighting the USA since the Iranian revolution of 1979 so we have been at war with them for the past 30 years. This battle is not over territory, but it is a battle for the soul of the world. The radical Muslims want to control the world and either convert or kill all those who oppose their way of life. The American dream is for everyone to have the choice to live life as they see fit and without hindrance. Radical Muslims want us to live as if the world was nearly 1200 years ago. There is no freedom and you must do as your told.

The radicals are looking to acquire nuclear weapons and use them to either destroy us and or hold us hostage. We must continue to use any and all methods that are available to us to stop each and every potential threat. I believe that we can and will win this battle if we don't lose heart. For the American way is a superior way of life and carries within it the desire of every heart that is a live at this time, that being the cry of freedom. Let us not forget the cost of freedom and may we continue to carry its torch which brings life to all.

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