One of the things that the Bible teaches us is the power of words. For as a man thinketh so shall he be and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. In each case words are involved in what a person thinks about and in what a person says. In American today we are faced with a society that through the power of media and education that is opposed to traditional values held by Bible believing Christ like ones. The reason we are seeing people demonstrate on our streets and wage war on our history is the fact that there are people out there who don't want our young people to know what America is truly about.
The devil is working through these people to tear down our foundation of biblical truth and freedom and liberty for all and is putting up " gates of hell" to drive wedges between blocks of people. We are seeing such hatred of our president that is unprecedented in recent history. That hatred is because God has appointed this president to help begin a movement to turn our nation back to its biblical foundations. According to many alternative media sites there are several members of President Trump's cabinet that meet weekly in the White House for Bible study. This is what is needed but the devil is fighting hard with his weapon of deception against this president and his cabinet in hopes of dividing his support for what he wants to accomplish in bringing America back to what God intends for us.
The Church of Jesus Christ needs to engage the culture as never before by standing by this president and understanding the times we live in. This is a time where we are teetering on the edge of war within our society but in reality what we are truly faced with is an attack from the devil and his minions in hopes of suppressing the Church back to its four wall and not allowing it to impact the culture of media, government, the arts, business or religion its self. The devil is hoping that believers will keep their mouths shut and will sing our little songs of worship within the church not to try and impact those we have influence with. I must admit that I am tired of so called Christians bowing their knee at the alter of Baal and who won't be like Daniel's companions in Babylon who refused to bow their knee to the kings statue and instead were thrown into the fiery furnace. Where are the ones who will be like those men in the midst of evil and wicked generation who are not afraid to call their God the only " true God" and will be willing to give up all they have for His purposes. That is the type of people we need today to show the love of Christ to a generation of people who believe we are irrelevant. Will you join me in this commitment to stand for Christ and for our nation and the reality of who we truly are, a Bible based, freedom loving land, not the war mongering or race hating nation that the devil and his minions want us all to believe that is not based in truth, but in deception.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
FEAR and ignorance are trying to rule America through Demon Power
In the years that have I lived on this people planet the longer I am convinced of the existence of good and evil. When I was in my teenage years when looking back I how I was being educated by the public school system to depend upon the government for my answers. I really started to believe that it was the answer to all things. As I came into my early twenties I began a deep relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and began to study the Bible for the first time in my life. As I began to absorb the teaching of Christ I began to see the world in a different light. I began to see that God is the source of all things and that government is only a tool which God uses to keep evil at bay.
Today most Americans who have not come to that realization are being swept up in the fact that the government is their god and if the right person is not leading the nation than we are doomed for hell. Government has become a religion in its own right. What we are faced with in America is the manifestation of demon power. Those who oppose the current president of this nation are using tactics of the devil to undermine our nation and to destroy it from within. The riots that happened this past weekend in Virginia and the destroying of Confederate statues is a movement that is bent on pinning the current trouble on those of us who believe in Biblical Christianity. Why do I say that. Those in the media who are working hand in hand with the devil are painting a picture that those who believe in the Bible and other moral rights that our backed by the Word of God are extremists who are out to say that there is no other way to live. They are pushing to see the Church to accept all lifestyles as being good. This is political correctness and a movement toward anarchy that must be stopped if our nation is to survive and thrive.
I believe that the reason we are where we are today is because of FEAR and ignorance. Fear because the Church has not been willing to engage the culture like it should have with the power of love and the demonstration of that love with signs and wonders following. The Church instead has retreated into her foxhole and now we are paying a price for it. Most Americans do not consider the Church to be relevant and that is why now Government has taken her place as the moral voice of the nation. Ignorance comes into play in that many of our young people don't know the true history of America. Is America a perfect country? No, but she has been a moral beacon and light to the world. More missionaries have left this nation to impact the world than from anywhere else in the history of the world. The tearing down of Confederate statues is not the answer. Removing our past that some find objectionable is not the answer. The Church needs to move behind the four walls of our building and begin to reengage those who are lost. Return our nation to its foundation and its biblical heritage. Share the true stories of our founding fathers and the faith they exercised in building this nation. The enemy is using the FEAR of the Church and the ignorance of the population about our historical past to tear us apart. I believe it is time to begin a revolution that will stop this devilish attempt and let our God be once again the center of who we are as a people. Church let's not sit on the sidelines no longer and bury our head in the sand. Let us arise and show the love of God to those who may despise us. For the darkness that we are being surrounded by can not overcome the Light when we let Him shine.
Today most Americans who have not come to that realization are being swept up in the fact that the government is their god and if the right person is not leading the nation than we are doomed for hell. Government has become a religion in its own right. What we are faced with in America is the manifestation of demon power. Those who oppose the current president of this nation are using tactics of the devil to undermine our nation and to destroy it from within. The riots that happened this past weekend in Virginia and the destroying of Confederate statues is a movement that is bent on pinning the current trouble on those of us who believe in Biblical Christianity. Why do I say that. Those in the media who are working hand in hand with the devil are painting a picture that those who believe in the Bible and other moral rights that our backed by the Word of God are extremists who are out to say that there is no other way to live. They are pushing to see the Church to accept all lifestyles as being good. This is political correctness and a movement toward anarchy that must be stopped if our nation is to survive and thrive.
I believe that the reason we are where we are today is because of FEAR and ignorance. Fear because the Church has not been willing to engage the culture like it should have with the power of love and the demonstration of that love with signs and wonders following. The Church instead has retreated into her foxhole and now we are paying a price for it. Most Americans do not consider the Church to be relevant and that is why now Government has taken her place as the moral voice of the nation. Ignorance comes into play in that many of our young people don't know the true history of America. Is America a perfect country? No, but she has been a moral beacon and light to the world. More missionaries have left this nation to impact the world than from anywhere else in the history of the world. The tearing down of Confederate statues is not the answer. Removing our past that some find objectionable is not the answer. The Church needs to move behind the four walls of our building and begin to reengage those who are lost. Return our nation to its foundation and its biblical heritage. Share the true stories of our founding fathers and the faith they exercised in building this nation. The enemy is using the FEAR of the Church and the ignorance of the population about our historical past to tear us apart. I believe it is time to begin a revolution that will stop this devilish attempt and let our God be once again the center of who we are as a people. Church let's not sit on the sidelines no longer and bury our head in the sand. Let us arise and show the love of God to those who may despise us. For the darkness that we are being surrounded by can not overcome the Light when we let Him shine.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
What does the God of the Bible say about Marriage?
Our society today is at a point where it has decided that marriage can be between anyone or almost anything as long as the two objects involved are in "love" with each other. But the God of the Bible has a different view. When He made Adam and Eve God set the biblical standard for what marriage looks like. Marriage is made between man and woman because God is looking for a relationship that provides a standard which will be able to reproduce after His kind.
When looking at a majority of the other types of relationships that people want to be united to we see that they are not able to reproduce after their "kind" in a biological manner. God wants relationship with us. He wants children who follow after His ways and methods. When living outside of His intentions for what marriage is suppose to be His standards get perverted and lost in a world who just wants to rebel against Him and thus we have a society which tries to define love in any way it feels is best for itself.
This is why there are so many broken marriages, gay marriages, and the like. People want to define and shape what they feel love is not by the One who gave us His love, but by their own selfish desires. The Bible declares that God is love. But their are boundaries and standards for that love and that includes the biblical standard of marriage between a man and a woman. When a person says they love someone but their is no commitment that is not love. So many of our young people are afraid to commit their love to another person of the opposite sex because they are afraid that it won't work out. They rather "shack up". They have witnessed a lack of commitment to love and so they don't know how to carry it out for themselves. Love is not a feeling. It does not come and go. It is a commitment which Christ showed us in that when we were yet sinners He died for us. Even now He holds out His hand to us wanting to love Him back, though His love for you and me never has stopped. The same should be true in marriage. There will be difficulties and there will be failures but when one makes that commitment to love that other person than it will endure because if God is in the midst of it than the bond will be most difficult to break.
So if you are someone who is not sure what love looks like I suggest that you get to know the God of the Bible. Read the gospel of John and see what Christ says love is. For once we understand His love for us than we will know how to love others and this includes what a true marriage looks like. For after all He wants to be married to you. And as He teaches you about Himself you will than be able to reflect that love into the marriage that He intends for you to have with the person He has called you to spend your life with.
When looking at a majority of the other types of relationships that people want to be united to we see that they are not able to reproduce after their "kind" in a biological manner. God wants relationship with us. He wants children who follow after His ways and methods. When living outside of His intentions for what marriage is suppose to be His standards get perverted and lost in a world who just wants to rebel against Him and thus we have a society which tries to define love in any way it feels is best for itself.
This is why there are so many broken marriages, gay marriages, and the like. People want to define and shape what they feel love is not by the One who gave us His love, but by their own selfish desires. The Bible declares that God is love. But their are boundaries and standards for that love and that includes the biblical standard of marriage between a man and a woman. When a person says they love someone but their is no commitment that is not love. So many of our young people are afraid to commit their love to another person of the opposite sex because they are afraid that it won't work out. They rather "shack up". They have witnessed a lack of commitment to love and so they don't know how to carry it out for themselves. Love is not a feeling. It does not come and go. It is a commitment which Christ showed us in that when we were yet sinners He died for us. Even now He holds out His hand to us wanting to love Him back, though His love for you and me never has stopped. The same should be true in marriage. There will be difficulties and there will be failures but when one makes that commitment to love that other person than it will endure because if God is in the midst of it than the bond will be most difficult to break.
So if you are someone who is not sure what love looks like I suggest that you get to know the God of the Bible. Read the gospel of John and see what Christ says love is. For once we understand His love for us than we will know how to love others and this includes what a true marriage looks like. For after all He wants to be married to you. And as He teaches you about Himself you will than be able to reflect that love into the marriage that He intends for you to have with the person He has called you to spend your life with.
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Is Liberalism a Religion?
The more I spend time pondering what Liberalism has become the more I am convinced that it is a religion on its own. I have encountered people who adhere to this philosophy and they are as zealous about it as any committed Muslim is to carrying out the thoughts and ideas of their religious beliefs. Have we ever seen a time in American history where a group of people have radically opposed a sitting president as we do with this group of Liberals? In the time that I have been on this people planet I have never seen anything like it. I know that people have not been happy with who is office, no matter which party they belong to, but I have never have seen such opposition to one person as I have seen brought against President Trump.
Liberals have become so blinded to what truth is that they believe that anyone who opposes them must be either removed or destroyed so that what they believe has no opposition. This nation was founded on the fact that we have the freedom to express our ideas even though those ideas may differ on their outcome and direction. That is one thing that has made America such a great nation. We are able to have the debate about what is best for us and then decide which path we should take. Our strength has been our diversity, but now that diversity instead of unifying us is breaking us a part. Liberalism is much more closely aligned with everything that America was not founded upon. Marriage, the nuclear family, the sanctity of life are things this nation bedrock were based on because of our biblical foundation. But Liberals, working through the doctrines of devils, have helped to cast doubt on this Christian foundation through educating children for generations that the God of the Bible is just a myth. Thus we now live in a nation that's younger generation has not been taught the truth of this nation founding and have instead replaced it with a hatred for this nation which states that all the problems of the world stem from what this nation supposedly did to rob the world of what it deserves.
This could not be farther from the truth. Despite the devil's attack this nation still spends more money on helping others in need and in sending out people into the world to minister Jesus' message of hope and love to those who need it. The Church of Jesus Christ can no longer stand by at let the Liberal philosophy hold our nation captive. We must make our stand and let our voice be heard. We must take the gospel of the Kingdom of God to the nations with love and boldness. This includes those who have made the gospel of Liberalism their faith. Let us boldly show them a better way.
Liberals have become so blinded to what truth is that they believe that anyone who opposes them must be either removed or destroyed so that what they believe has no opposition. This nation was founded on the fact that we have the freedom to express our ideas even though those ideas may differ on their outcome and direction. That is one thing that has made America such a great nation. We are able to have the debate about what is best for us and then decide which path we should take. Our strength has been our diversity, but now that diversity instead of unifying us is breaking us a part. Liberalism is much more closely aligned with everything that America was not founded upon. Marriage, the nuclear family, the sanctity of life are things this nation bedrock were based on because of our biblical foundation. But Liberals, working through the doctrines of devils, have helped to cast doubt on this Christian foundation through educating children for generations that the God of the Bible is just a myth. Thus we now live in a nation that's younger generation has not been taught the truth of this nation founding and have instead replaced it with a hatred for this nation which states that all the problems of the world stem from what this nation supposedly did to rob the world of what it deserves.
This could not be farther from the truth. Despite the devil's attack this nation still spends more money on helping others in need and in sending out people into the world to minister Jesus' message of hope and love to those who need it. The Church of Jesus Christ can no longer stand by at let the Liberal philosophy hold our nation captive. We must make our stand and let our voice be heard. We must take the gospel of the Kingdom of God to the nations with love and boldness. This includes those who have made the gospel of Liberalism their faith. Let us boldly show them a better way.
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