Thursday, August 17, 2017

Truth versus Deception

One of the things that the Bible teaches us is the power of words.  For as a man thinketh so shall he be and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.  In each case words are involved in what a person thinks about and in what a person says.  In American today we are faced with a society that through the power of media and education that is opposed to traditional values held by Bible believing Christ like ones.  The reason we are seeing people demonstrate on our streets and wage war on our history is the fact that there are people out there who don't want our young people to know what America is truly about.

The devil is working through these people to tear down our foundation of biblical truth and freedom and liberty for all and is putting up " gates of hell" to drive wedges between blocks of people.  We are seeing such hatred of our president that is unprecedented in recent history.  That hatred is because God has appointed this president to help begin a movement to turn our nation back to its biblical foundations.  According to many alternative media sites there are several members of President Trump's cabinet that meet weekly in the White House for Bible study.  This is what is needed but the devil is fighting hard with his weapon of deception against this president and his cabinet in hopes of dividing his support for what he wants to accomplish in bringing America back to what God intends for us.

The Church of Jesus Christ needs to engage the culture as never before by standing by this president and understanding the times we live in.  This is a time where we are teetering on the edge of war within our society but in reality what we are truly faced with is an attack from the devil and his minions in hopes of suppressing the Church back to its four wall and not allowing it to impact the culture of media, government, the arts, business or religion its self.  The devil is hoping that believers will keep their mouths shut and will sing our little songs of worship within the church not to try and impact those we have influence with.  I must admit that I am tired of so called Christians bowing their knee at the alter of Baal and who won't be like Daniel's companions in Babylon who refused to bow their knee to the kings statue and instead were thrown into the fiery furnace.  Where are the ones who will be like those men in the midst of evil and wicked generation who are not afraid to call their God the only " true God" and will be willing to give up all they have for His purposes.  That is the type of people we need today to show the love of Christ to a generation of people who believe we are irrelevant.  Will you join me in this commitment to stand for Christ and for our nation and the reality of who we truly are, a Bible based, freedom loving land, not the war mongering or race hating nation that the devil and his minions want us all to believe that is not based in truth, but in deception. 

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