Saturday, February 14, 2009

The battle between Evolution and Creationism Heats Up

During this past week the birthday of Darwin was celebrated and it drew attention to the creation evolution debate as a result. My own personal journey on this as changed over the years as I have considered what science and the Bible have to say about the topic of how did we come to be.

After making Jesus Christ my personal savior and Lord of my life I had a most difficult time understanding how science and the Bible could co-exist. I was someone who thought that evolution and creationism could be the one and the same. However that began to change when a friend of mine named Keith was able to give me some creation material from a group called ICR( International Creation Research). The material spoke from a scientific point of view, but was using the Bible as it basis. It was through this time that I began to change my thinking to the place where I believed that creationism and a young earth theory is the correct one.

I know that many Christians out there are confused by this topic and have many questions that plague their thoughts as this topic once again comes to the forefront. I believe that it is the time for Christians to stand up and not back down off of what we believe. The article that I have linked to at the bottom of this post shows how Christians are fighting back. If we are wanting to change our society and the culture we live in, we must engage it at the foundation. The foundation of our culture belief in truth has been wrecked by this attack by the religion of Evolution. People are confused about topics like marriage, life issues like abortion and euthanasia. This is because our belief in absolute truth has been damaged. The christian has the truth, because Jesus Himself declared himself to be it (John 14:6). It is time for us to speak out and demonstrate to the world why He, Christ, is the only way. Church don't sit on the sidelines any longer. Let us be salt and light in a world that needs it more than ever.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Will you be put on trial for Faith?

Will you be put on trial for faith in God? Recently I read a story on WorldNet Daily that showed how a family from the state of New York had been placed under a huge amount of stress by the public school system that there children were a part of.

The issue being raised was the fact that the couples children had not been immunized as the state requires. The parents, who have a devote faith in God, discovered that as soon as this was uncovered by the school found out that everything that they were trying to do in raising their children up in the faith they professed was soon under attack. The question I would like to raise is where does a school system have the right to attack the way a family chooses to raise their children? I can understand the concern for the health of the other children that attend there, but beyond that, I believe the school overstepped its bounds and had no right to pry into this family's way of raising their children.

As we continue to move closer to the end of the age, before the return of Christ, I tend to believe we will see more of this because the enemy of our soul knows is time is short and will continue to put the pressure on those of us who believe. Body of Christ, prepare yourselves now. We are headed for greater glory, but the road there may get a little bumpy. Rest in the Savior. For He is our refuge and our strength, our hope in a time of trouble. God will see us through.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What is so "Fair" about the Fairness Doctrine

Recently there has been renewed talks about bringing the fairness doctrine back into play amongst those in the Democratic controlled Congress. Debra Stabenow a Democratic Senator from the state of Michigan has mentioned that a return to the fairness doctrine is needed so that all viewpoints can get a fair shake on the airwaves.

When the fairness doctrine was in place the conservative viewpoint was nearly extinct. Rush Limbaugh had just come unto the scene, but beyond him, there was no major emphasis on the conservative, family and faith based view. The major newspapers and major Television networks were able to carry whatever they chose to run and the American people were not given any choice but to hear their viewpoint only.

But when Reagan was able to get the fairness doctrine eliminated from the equation the conservative, family and faith based viewpoint took wing and now dominates the radio airwaves. The liberals have tried to counter it with their own radio network, Air America, and it failed miserably. In the marketplace of ideas, the conservative viewpoint will win out in most cases since its view is based in a biblical viewpoint. Truth always prevails amongst those that seek it out.

I believe that the fairness doctrine is anything but fair and will lead to a silencing of the conservative, pro-family, faith based viewpoint that America still needs. After all the NY Times and CBS news are not going to go out there and allow the conservative viewpoint to be there view. They have their own agenda which is not to allow for diverse viewpoints to coexist.

The fight that may soon develop reminds me of how Evolution became the dominant viewpoint of the public school systems and the media over the years. Creationists are told that their viewpoint is out of touch and out dated. Are we about to see the same thing occur with the conservative, pro-family and faith based viewpoint, if the fairness doctrine is allowed to be the law of the land?

I encourage all of my fellow conservatives, who like myself are pro-family and have faith in the God of the Bible to engage Congress on this issue. Our voice must be heard to stand for what is right, true and fair in a society that tries to vilify such behavior.