Monday, February 9, 2009

Will you be put on trial for Faith?

Will you be put on trial for faith in God? Recently I read a story on WorldNet Daily that showed how a family from the state of New York had been placed under a huge amount of stress by the public school system that there children were a part of.

The issue being raised was the fact that the couples children had not been immunized as the state requires. The parents, who have a devote faith in God, discovered that as soon as this was uncovered by the school found out that everything that they were trying to do in raising their children up in the faith they professed was soon under attack. The question I would like to raise is where does a school system have the right to attack the way a family chooses to raise their children? I can understand the concern for the health of the other children that attend there, but beyond that, I believe the school overstepped its bounds and had no right to pry into this family's way of raising their children.

As we continue to move closer to the end of the age, before the return of Christ, I tend to believe we will see more of this because the enemy of our soul knows is time is short and will continue to put the pressure on those of us who believe. Body of Christ, prepare yourselves now. We are headed for greater glory, but the road there may get a little bumpy. Rest in the Savior. For He is our refuge and our strength, our hope in a time of trouble. God will see us through.

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